31 Maple Street
Bristol, Connecticut USA
September 8, 2019
Matthew 20:16-20
Rev. Kristen J. Kleiman
We expect to see Jesus at church.
We even expect to see Jesus
around the church
Of course, Jesus is at church camp.
We definitely feel Jesus’ presence in a garden.
How about at the airport?
The grocery store?
What about at a sporting event? Even a game on Sunday morning?
Is Jesus with us then?
Yes, Jesus is with us always.
Jesus said that wherever two or three
or more are gathered, he is there.
How about when we are alone?
How about when we feel alone?
Yes, even then,
Jesus is with us.
We expect Jesus to be
with happy smiling Christians.
We know that Jesus is with the small and the tall.
Jesus loves a good wedding. He is definitely with us when we are celebrating.
How about when we are sad though?
Or mad?
Or feeling who knows what?
Is Jesus with us then?
Yes, Jesus is with us always.
Of course Jesus is with us when we are reading the Bible.
We even know Jesus is with us when reading inspirational memes
and devotional books.
Did you know that he’s also with us when we are reading children’s books,
text books, the newspaper
even Harry Potter.
Whatever we are reading,
Where-ever we are eating,
whatever we are doing, Jesus is with us always.
Whether we stay close to home
or we travel far away,
no matter how we travel
or who we travel with,
Jesus is with us always.
Jesus says I will be with you always. Jesus says I will love you always – through the storms and the sunshine, in a crowd or alone, when you are awake, when you are asleep, when you are happy or sad or angry or frustrated, when you are at work, when you are at school, when you are at home, when you are playing sports or at a concert or gathered with other Christians to praise God.
I will be with you always.