31 Maple Street
Bristol, Connecticut USA
When you arrive for worship at the First Congregational Church, you will be greeted at the door. The greeter will help direct you to the worship space where an usher will give you a worship bulletin to help you follow along and participate in worship.
Worship at the First Congregational Church includes….
A Welcome! And a time to share upcoming events and announcements happening in the ministry at FCC.
Singing Hymns and musical responses are printed in the worship bulletin or the blue Chalice hymnal, located in each pew (row).
Responsive and Unison Prayers During the Call to Worship and Unison prayers, you are invited to pray the words in bold out loud with the entire congregation.
Special Music One of our choirs sings or plays almost every Sunday during worship. All are invited to join a choir.
Passing the Peace of Christ The congregation is invited to greet those sitting around them and introduce themselves.
Scripture Reading Every week, passages are read from the Bible.
Message & Time for Children Both are opportunities for us to better understand God’s Word and how it connects with our lives and our world.
Prayers of the People We come to worship with many joys and concerns in our hearts. The congregation is invited to share these prayer requests aloud or pray them in the silence of their hearts.
An Offering Although no one is obligated to contribute financially to the ministry of the church, the offering is one way we respond to God’s blessings in our lives. You may place your offering directly in the wooden plate that will be passed down the pew (row).
Communion Traditionally on the first Sunday of the month, Christmas Eve, and Maundy Thursday, we celebrate communion. Everyone is welcome to participate, no matter their age or whether they are a member or not. We receive communion while sitting in our pews (rows). It is our tradition to eat the bread when we receive it to acknowledge our individuality before God. We hold the cup to share together as a symbol of our unity. The pastor will invite everyone to share in drinking the cup. Please hold the tray for your neighbor and then pass it back to the Deacon.
Stand and sitting The bulletin will have an asterisk (*) next to those times when all are invited to stand. Please remain seated if that is more comfortable for you.
Benediction During the Benediction (Closing words), all are invited to remain standing and join hands with those around them.
After the service of worship
You are invited for a cup of coffee, tea, or juice and baked goods during our time of Fellowship. The location is printed in the bulletin or announced.
If you are visiting the First Congregational Church for the first time, please visit our First Time Guests’ page.