No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, You Are Welcome Here.


Posted on 31 Mar 2024

March 31, 2024

John 20:1-18

Rev. Kristen J. Kleiman


Before him, she could barely live a normal life.  Scripture tells us that before Jesus, Mary Magdalene was filled with seven spirits.  Seven spirits pulling her this way and that.  Seven spirits controlling her, caging her, keeping her from connecting with others.

Before Jesus, Mary Magdalene could barely live a normal life.  Because of Jesus she was healed; she was freed; she was able to use her gifts to make our world a better place.


Before Jesus, Simon was living a pretty ordinary existence.  He got up each morning and spent his time laboring as a fisherman.  Each day, the same work; difficult work, sometimes productive work and sometimes not.  It was a decent life; however every day, Simon sensed that there was something more to this life, something more he was called to do.

Before Jesus, Simon was living a pretty ordinary existence.  Because of Jesus, Simon discovered he had more gifts and talents to share with the world.  Because of Jesus, Simon discovered he was a peter, a rock that others could depend on, someone who could make a big difference in our world.


Before Jesus, John, too, was living a pretty ordinary life.  This younger brother was likely destined to live in the shadows of his older brother James, following along with the other fishermen, and never letting the light of his leadership or love shine.  It would have been a good life.  It just would not have been the life God had created him to live.

Before Jesus, John was getting by.  Because of Jesus, John thrived.  Because of Jesus, John found his purpose – to share God’s love through his actions, to share God’s love through his words, to invite others to “love one another, because love is from God” (1 John 4:7)


Because of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Simon Peter, and John discovered amazing things about themselves.  Because of Jesus, they were freed of all that held them back.  They were free to make connections.  They were free to fully use their gifts and talents.  They were free to make our world a better place for all people.

Because of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Simon Peter, and John found purpose and meaning.  A purpose and meaning that would inspire and guide them for the rest of their lives as they traveled with Jesus sharing the good news of God’s love.

This is what they thought would happen – that they would continue to travel with Jesus – supporting his ministry – until that horrible night when Jesus was arrested in the garden, until that worse morning when Jesus was sentenced to the cross, until that most painful day when they had to stand helplessly by, watching him suffer and die.

They thought that because of Jesus, their lives, their world would be forever better, but they were wrong.  It wasn’t just because of Jesus that their lives, our lives, the world is better.  It is because Jesus lives that life and our world is better.

Because he lives, we can face tomorrow.  We can face tomorrow with confidence, with hope, with faith.  Because Jesus lives, we know that anything is possible with God.

Because Jesus lives, we might weep, like Mary Magdalene, at the final resting place of a loved one; however, even as we grieve, we will find comfort because we know that death no longer has its sting.  Death is no longer the last word.  New life, eternal life are ours.

Because the cross and tomb are empty, our lives can be full.

Our lives can be full of peace because no matter how the world might change, no matter how our bodies and lives might change, no matter how we might feel like we never measure up, God loves us.  God is in control.  God is working for justice, for equality, for the good of all people.

Because we know the good news of Easter, because we know that God is love and that God’s love is powerful, because we know that nothing can ever separate us from God’s unconditional love, our lives can be full of love.

Because Jesus lives, our lives are filled with a love beyond all human comprehension– even when we don’t feel very lovable, even when we don’t feel very loving.  Still, we are surrounded by God’s love.  Still, we are loved by God Most High.

Because of Jesus, because the cross and tomb are empty, because he lives, our lives are forever changed for the better.  We have meaning.  We have purpose.

Day by day, we discover new talents for sharing love and making our world a better place.  Day by day, we discover forgiveness and grace, letting go of our mistakes and embracing God’s new beginning.  Day by day, we discover how the strength of hope and faith can carry us through anything.  Day by day, we realize how deeply we are loved.

On Easter, we rejoice and give thanks because we know that life is worth the living just because he lives.