31 Maple Street
Bristol, Connecticut USA
We care very much about the safety and well being of our youngest members. FCC’s paid nursery staff provide loving care while parents attend the Sunday worship service.
In accordance with our Safe Church guidelines, parents leaving a child in the crib nursery receive a pager. If your child needs you, a nursery caregiver will notify you by activating the silent vibrating pager. Children will be returned to the adult with the matching pager. Please make sure to leave a diaper bag and instructions about any allergies or concerns your child might have. There are Children’s Ministry registration forms in the Nursery to write down information that would be helpful for the nursery caregivers.
We have done our utmost to make sure our Nursery is a place parents feel comfortable leaving their child and where children want to play; however children of all ages are welcome in worship. Parents may also stay and play with their child in the Nursery. The Nursery has a changing table and rocking chair for nursing and is stocked with diapers and snacks.
Our Sunday morning Children’s Ministry program provides children and youth in Pre-school through 8th grade with a place where:
About once a month, participants in Children’s Ministry can also participate in Joyful Noise Choir (Preschool-3rd grade) or Tone Chimes Choir (4th grade and older)
Other churches often call Children’s Ministry “Sunday School” and the adults who work with children “Sunday School Teachers”. We confess that often we still do, too! However, we also realize that we are not trying to “teach” our children as much as we are inviting them to share what they believe and be nurtured by the faith and joy of the adults who “guide” them on this journey of faith. Our adult “Faith Guides” are not experts in the Christian faith. They are dedicated Christians who volunteer to share their gifts and their joy with our children.
Each week, children are invited to make a Bible story their own by acting it out, creating a craft, playing games, and other “hands-on” activities that help make our faith come alive! Children also have the opportunity to pray together as they bless their snack.
FCC’s Children’s Ministry follows Safe Church Guidelines. All parents, whose children are involved in Children’s Ministry, are asked to fill out a Children’s Ministry registration form to inform us of allergies or other health and behavioral needs.
Each summer, children who have finished third grade through graduated high school seniors have the opportunity to attend summer camp at Silver Lake Conference Center. FCC has made the commitment to provide five camperships each year because Silver Lake is an amazing and holy place that nurtures the Christian faith journeys of children, youth, and adults. Donations to FCC’s Silver Lake Fund are always appreciated. For more information about Silver Lake Conference Center, click here.