No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, You Are Welcome Here.

General Gifts Training Completed

About 30 church members met with our fundraising consultant Maryann Doyle for General Gifts Training on Sunday, May 3. Among the highlights were:

  • Close to 70 people have now volunteered to be part of the campaign, including 34 visitors
  • The Campaign Kick-Off Brunch for all will be Sunday, May 17th right after worship in the Auditorium
  • Doug Wennberg reviewed the building renovation plans
  • Maryann trained all us on campaign details including making home visits
  • Maryann reinforced that the visitors are ministers of the church and that the visits are largely about building relationships among church members
  • Katherine Ill and Art Shahverdian outlined the exciting challenge before us
  • All church members will be mailed an 8-page brochure with campaign details the week of May 17
  • The campaign fund-raising goal will be announced to everyone at the May 17th kick-offGeneral Gifts Teams (2)General Gifts Planning Meeting 5 3 15 (1)


If you have questions please call the campaign phone line: 860.589.4700, ext. 306. Call anytime from 9 am to 4 pm, Monday through Thursday and speak to Maryann Doyle.